9. King of Sciences

Rāja Vidyā Yog

BG 9.1 - 34

Verse 1

Krishna said: I will now reveal to you, doubtless one, the most secret of knowledge which will liberate you from the misery of material existence.


Verse 2

This transcendental knowledge is the king of sciences, the ultimate secret, the perfection of religion, and can be understood by direct experience.


Verse 3

Those who are without faith do not obtain this knowledge of Dharma. They remain trapped in the cycle of birth and death in this material world.


Verse 4

This entire universe is pervaded by me in unmanifest form. All living beings are within me, yet I am not confined within them.


Verse 5

Nevertheless, everything that is created does not rest in me. Such is my mystic opulence, that though I am the cause and upholder of all, I am not a part of it.


Verse 6

Just as the wind is always situated in the great sky, blowing in all directions, all created beings are situated in me - try to understand this.


Verse 7

At the end of every cosmic cycle, all beings return into nature, and at the beginning of another, I create them again.


Verse 8

Under my will, the cosmic order is manifested again and again, and under my will it is annihilated in the end.


Verse 9

This work does not bind me - I am ever detached from these material activities, situated in equanimity.


Verse 10

Nature works under my direction to produce all moving and stationary things, and is the reason for everything in this cosmic manifestation.


Verse 11

Fools ignore me when they see me in human form. They do not know my transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of everything.


Verse 12

Their hopes are futile, their actions are useless, and their knowledge is ineffective. They are demonic and godless.


Verse 13

The great souls who have taken refuge in my divine nature render service without hesitation, knowing me as the imperishable source of everything.


Verse 14

They are diligent in chanting my name, are determined in showing their respect for me, and remain perpetually engaged in worship.


Verse 15

There are also others who worship me through the cultivation of knowledge. They worship me as the oneness in duality and diversity, and by my diverse cosmic manifestations.


Verse 16

I am the ritual, I am the sacrifice, and I am the offering. I am the medicinal herb and melted butter that is offered to the fire.


Verse 17

I am the father, mother, guardian, and grandfather of this universe. I am the object of knowledge, the purifying syllable Om, and the sacred scriptures.


Verse 18

I am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the witness, the home, the shelter, and the trusted friend. I am the creation and I am the destruction. I am the basis of everything and the eternal seed.


Verse 19

I give heat and withhold rain. I am death and immortality, being and non-being.


Verse 20

Those pious souls who study the Vedas, drink the Soma juice, worship me with sacrifice and pray for passage to heaven, will enjoy the celestial pleasures of gods.


Verse 21

When they have enjoyed the vastness of heaven, having exhausted the result of their pious activities, they fall back to the mortal realm. Thus, those who seek sensual pleasure by only adhering to Vedic principles only achieve the cycle of birth and death.


Verse 22

If a person meditates on me and me alone, I will look after their prosperity and welfare.


Verse 23

Even those who are devotees of other gods, and worship them with faith, worship me alone, albeit in an incorrect manner.


Verse 24

For I am the only enjoyer, the Lord of all sacrifices. They do not recognize me, so they turn away.


Verse 25

Those who worship the gods, go to the gods. Those who worship the ancestors, go to the ancestors. But only those who worship me shall come to me.


Verse 26

Whatever one may offer, be it a leaf, flower, fruit, or water, I accept it, for it is offered with devotion and a pure mind.


Verse 27

Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever charity you perform, whatever austerity you practice - do all these as an offering to me.


Verse 28

You shall be free from bondage to the fruit of your actions, thus liberating yourself from bondage to action, and freeing yourself to come to me.


Verse 29

I am the same to all beings - there are none I favor, and none I detest. But those who worship me with devotion, they exist within me, and I too exist within them.


Verse 30

Even if the most sinful person were to worship me with undivided devotion, they should be regarded as righteous, for they have resolved to follow righteousness.


Verse 31

Such a person will quickly become righteous and attain eternal peace. Arjuna, believe me, my devotees are never lost.


Verse 32

Even those of sinful birth, women, laborers, and outcastes, all attain the supreme state by taking refuge in me.


Verse 33

What need is there to mention the holy priests, devoted sages, and earthly rulers? In this transient and miserable world, one should worship me with devotion.


Verse 34

Focus your mind on me, be my devotee, sacrifice for me, and surrender to me. By engaging your mind in this manner and regarding me as the supreme goal, you will certainly attain me.

Chapter 9