9. King of Sciences

Rāja Vidyā Yog

BG 9.17

I am the father, mother, guardian, and grandfather of this universe. I am the object of knowledge, the purifying syllable Om, and the sacred scriptures.

पिताऽहमस्य जगतो माता धाता पितामहः
वेद्यं पवित्रमोंकार ऋक् साम यजुरेव च

  • pitāham — I am the father

    • pitā — father

    • aham — I

  • asya — of this

  • jagato — universe

  • mātā — mother

  • dhātā — sustainer

  • pitāmahaḥ — grandfather

  • vedyaṁ — the goal of knowledge

  • pavitram — the purifier

  • oṁkāra — the sacred syllable Om

  • ṛik — the Rig Veda

  • sāma — the Sama Veda

  • yajur — the Yajur Veda

  • eva — also

  • cha — and


I am the ritual, I am the sacrifice, and I am the offering. I am the medicinal herb and melted butter that is offered to the fire.


I am the father, mother, guardian, and grandfather of this universe. I am the object of knowledge, the purifying syllable Om, and the sacred scriptures.


I am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the witness, the home, the shelter, and the trusted friend. I am the creation and I am the destruction. I am the basis of everything and the eternal seed.


I give heat and withhold rain. I am death and immortality, being and non-being.


Chapter 9, Verse 17