9. King of Sciences

Rāja Vidyā Yog

BG 9.26

Whatever one may offer, be it a leaf, flower, fruit, or water, I accept it, for it is offered with devotion and a pure mind.

पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं यो मे भक्त्या प्रयच्छति
तदहं भक्त्युपहृतमश्नामि प्रयतात्मनः

  • patraṁ — a leaf

  • puṣhpaṁ — a flower

  • phalaṁ — a fruit

  • toyaṁ — water

  • yo — who

  • me — to me

  • bhaktyā — with devotion

  • prayachchhati — offers

  • tadahaṁ — that I

    • tat — that

    • aham — I

  • bhaktyupahṛitam — offered with devotion

  • aśhnāmi — partake

  • prayatātmanaḥ — one in pure consciousness


If a person meditates on me and me alone, I will look after their prosperity and welfare.


Even those who are devotees of other gods, and worship them with faith, worship me alone, albeit in an incorrect manner.


For I am the only enjoyer, the Lord of all sacrifices. They do not recognize me, so they turn away.


Those who worship the gods, go to the gods. Those who worship the ancestors, go to the ancestors. But only those who worship me shall come to me.


Whatever one may offer, be it a leaf, flower, fruit, or water, I accept it, for it is offered with devotion and a pure mind.


Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever charity you perform, whatever austerity you practice - do all these as an offering to me.


You shall be free from bondage to the fruit of your actions, thus liberating yourself from bondage to action, and freeing yourself to come to me.


Chapter 9, Verse 26