9. King of Sciences

Rāja Vidyā Yog

BG 9.2

This transcendental knowledge is the king of sciences, the ultimate secret, the perfection of religion, and can be understood by direct experience.

राजविद्या राजगुह्यं पवित्रमिदमुत्तमम्
प्रत्यक्षावगमं धर्म्यं सुसुखं कर्तुमव्ययम्

  • rāja-vidyā — the king of science

    • rāja

    • vidyā

  • rāja-guhyaṁ — the ultimate mystery

    • rāja

    • guhyaṁ

  • pavitram — pure

  • idam — this

  • uttamam — highest

  • pratyakṣhāvagamaṁ — directly perceptible and realizable

    • pratyakṣha — directly perceptible

    • avagamam — directly realizable

  • dharmyaṁ — virtuous

  • su-sukhaṁ — easy

    • su

    • sukhaṁ

  • kartum — to practice

  • avyayam — everlasting

Krishna said: I will now reveal to you, doubtless one, the most secret of knowledge which will liberate you from the misery of material existence.


This transcendental knowledge is the king of sciences, the ultimate secret, the perfection of religion, and can be understood by direct experience.


Those who are without faith do not obtain this knowledge of Dharma. They remain trapped in the cycle of birth and death in this material world.


Chapter 9, Verse 2