9. King of Sciences

Rāja Vidyā Yog

BG 9.21

When they have enjoyed the vastness of heaven, having exhausted the result of their pious activities, they fall back to the mortal realm. Thus, those who seek sensual pleasure by only adhering to Vedic principles only achieve the cycle of birth and death.

ते तं भुक्त्वा स्वर्गलोकं विशालं
क्षीणे पुण्ये मर्त्यलोकं विशन्ति
एव त्रयीधर्ममनुप्रपन्ना
गतागतं कामकामा लभन्ते

  • te — they

  • taṁ — that

  • bhuktvā — having enjoyed

  • swarga-lokaṁ — heaven

    • swarga

    • lokaṁ

  • viśhālaṁ — vast

  • kṣhīṇe — at the exhaustion of

  • puṇye — stock of merits

  • martya-lokaṁ — to the earthly plane

    • martya

    • lokaṁ

  • viśhanti — return

  • evaṁ — thus

  • trayī-dharmam — the rituals prescribed in the scriptures

    • trayī

    • dharmam

  • anuprapannā — follow

  • gatāgataṁ — repeated coming and going

  • kāma-kāmā — desiring objects of sense enjoyment

    • kāma

    • kāmā

  • labhante — attain


Those pious souls who study the Vedas, drink the Soma juice, worship me with sacrifice and pray for passage to heaven, will enjoy the celestial pleasures of gods.


When they have enjoyed the vastness of heaven, having exhausted the result of their pious activities, they fall back to the mortal realm. Thus, those who seek sensual pleasure by only adhering to Vedic principles only achieve the cycle of birth and death.


Chapter 9, Verse 21