9. King of Sciences

Rāja Vidyā Yog

BG 9.6

Just as the wind is always situated in the great sky, blowing in all directions, all created beings are situated in me - try to understand this.

यथाऽऽकाशस्थितो नित्यं वायुः सर्वत्रगो महान्
तथा सर्वाणि भूतानि मत्स्थानीत्युपधारय

  • yathākāśha-sthito — as it is situated in the sky

    • yathākāśha — as in the sky

    • sthito — situated, located

  • nityaṁ — always

  • vāyuḥ — the wind

  • sarvatra-go — blowing everywhere

    • sarvatra

    • go

  • mahān — mighty

  • tathā — likewise

  • sarvāṇi — all

  • bhūtāni — living beings

  • mat-sthānītyupadhāraya — know they rest in me indeed
    mat-sthāni—rest in me; iti—thus; upadhāraya—know

    • mat

    • sthānītyupadhāraya


This entire universe is pervaded by me in unmanifest form. All living beings are within me, yet I am not confined within them.


Nevertheless, everything that is created does not rest in me. Such is my mystic opulence, that though I am the cause and upholder of all, I am not a part of it.


Just as the wind is always situated in the great sky, blowing in all directions, all created beings are situated in me - try to understand this.


Chapter 9, Verse 6