16. Divine and Demonic Natures

Daivāsura Sampad Vibhāg Yog

Krishna continued:

Courage, clean living, devotion to wisdom, generosity, self-control, a spirit of sacrifice, study of the scriptures, austerity, and straightforwardness,


nonviolence, truthfulness, absence of anger, renunciation, self-control, abstinence from slandering of others, compassion for all beings, freedom from jealousy, gentleness, modesty, and freedom from restlessness,


valor, forgiveness, fortitude, purity, freedom from hatred and vanity - these are the qualities of one who possesses divine nature.


Hypocrisy, arrogance, self-conceit, anger, cruelty, and ignorance, all belong to those of demonic nature.


The divine qualities lead to liberation, while the demonic qualities lead to bondage. Do not grieve, Arjuna, for you are endowed with great divine wealth.


The are two types of beings in this world - those who are divine, and those who are demonic. I have described the nature of divinity to you at length; now, hear of the demonic.


Those who are demonic do not know how to act or to renounce. They lack purity, truth, and an understanding of righteous conduct.


They say the universe is without truth, without any purpose, and without a God. It exists for the purpose of fulfilling desires - what other cause could there be?


These lost souls of small intellect come into the world only to commit monstrous deeds and to destroy.


Filled with insatiable desires, possessed by vanity, pride, and arrogance, they only work with impure intentions.


Trapped in a cycle of anxiety that ends only with death, clinging to the enjoyment of desires as their highest goal, believing that this is all that exists,


bound by the shackles of a hundred vain hopes, devoted to their desire and anger, they hoard wealth for the gratification of their desires.


"Today I have gained this, and tomorrow I will fulfill another desire. This is mine now, and the rest will all be mine soon."


"I have slain this enemy, and I shall slay others too. I am the almighty enjoyer, the one who is perfect, powerful, and happy."


"I am wealthy and of noble birth. Who else is equal to me? I will sacrifice, I will give charity, and I shall rejoice!" Such is their delusion.


Bewildered by their thoughts, ensnared in the net of delusion, addicted to sensual pleasures, they are condemned to a dark hell.


Self-conceited, stubborn, intoxicated by wealth and pride, they perform sacrifice in name only, without regard to what is ordained in the scriptures.


Clinging to egotism, power, arrogance, pride, and desire, these envious people grow to resent me, both in themselves and in the bodies of others.


Those who are the most hateful, cruel, and inauspicious of mankind, I hurl incessantly into the cycle of birth and death.


Having been born among demons in birth after birth, these deluded souls only sink toward the lowest state.


There are three gates to hell that one should avoid - passion, anger, and greed.


One who has been liberated from these three gates of darkness works for the benefit of the self, thereby attaining that highest goal.


One who neglects the command of the scriptures and acts under the impulse of desire does not attain perfection, happiness, nor the highest goal.


Therefore, whenever there is doubt on what should be done, let the scriptures guide you.


Next chapter

17. Three Divisions of Faith

Śhraddhā Traya Vibhāg Yog