16. Divine and Demonic Natures

Daivāsura Sampad Vibhāg Yog

BG 16.23

One who neglects the command of the scriptures and acts under the impulse of desire does not attain perfection, happiness, nor the highest goal.

यः शास्त्रविधिमुत्सृज्य वर्तते कामकारतः
न स सिद्धिमवाप्नोति न सुखं न परां गतिम्

  • yaḥ — who

  • śhāstra-vidhim — scriptural injunctions

    • śhāstra

    • vidhim

  • utsṛijya — discarding

  • vartate — act

  • kāma-kārataḥ — under the impulse of desire

    • kāma

    • kārataḥ

  • na — nor

  • sa — they

  • siddhim — perfection

  • avāpnoti — attain

  • na — nor

  • sukhaṁ — happiness

  • na — nor

  • parāṁ — the supreme

  • gatim — goal


There are three gates to hell that one should avoid - passion, anger, and greed.


One who has been liberated from these three gates of darkness works for the benefit of the self, thereby attaining that highest goal.


One who neglects the command of the scriptures and acts under the impulse of desire does not attain perfection, happiness, nor the highest goal.


Therefore, whenever there is doubt on what should be done, let the scriptures guide you.


Chapter 16, Verse 23