BG 16.9
These lost souls of small intellect come into the world only to commit monstrous deeds and to destroy.
प्रभवन्त्युग्रकर्माणः क्षयाय जगतोऽहिताः
etāṁ — such
dṛiṣhṭim — views
avaṣhṭabhya — holding
naṣhṭātmāno — misguided souls
naṣhṭa — misdirected
ātmānaḥ — souls
’lpa-buddhayaḥ — of small intellect
’lpa — limited, small
alpa -
buddhayaḥ — of the intellect
prabhavanty — arise
ugra-karmāṇaḥ — terrible actions
ugra — cruel, terrible
karmāṇaḥ — actions, deeds
kṣhayāya — destruction
jagato — of the world
’hitāḥ — enemies
The are two types of beings in this world - those who are divine, and those who are demonic. I have described the nature of divinity to you at length; now, hear of the demonic. Those who are demonic do not know how to act or to renounce. They lack purity, truth, and an understanding of righteous conduct. They say the universe is without truth, without any purpose, and without a God. It exists for the purpose of fulfilling desires - what other cause could there be? These lost souls of small intellect come into the world only to commit monstrous deeds and to destroy. Filled with insatiable desires, possessed by vanity, pride, and arrogance, they only work with impure intentions. Trapped in a cycle of anxiety that ends only with death, clinging to the enjoyment of desires as their highest goal, believing that this is all that exists, bound by the shackles of a hundred vain hopes, devoted to their desire and anger, they hoard wealth for the gratification of their desires.
Similar verses
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- Verse 16.16
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