BG 16.4
Hypocrisy, arrogance, self-conceit, anger, cruelty, and ignorance, all belong to those of demonic nature.
अज्ञानं चाभिजातस्य पार्थ सम्पदमासुरीम्
dambho — hypocrisy
dambhaḥ -
darpo — arrogance
darpaḥ -
’bhimānaśh — conceit
abhimānaḥ -
cha — and
krodhaḥ — anger
pāruṣhyam — harshness
eva — certainly
cha — and
ajñānaṁ — ignorance
chābhijātasya — and of those who possess
cha — and
abhijātasya — of those who possess
pārtha — Arjuna
sampadam — qualities
āsurīm — demonic
Hypocrisy, arrogance, self-conceit, anger, cruelty, and ignorance, all belong to those of demonic nature. The divine qualities lead to liberation, while the demonic qualities lead to bondage. Do not grieve, Arjuna, for you are endowed with great divine wealth.
Similar verses
Those who are demonic do not know how to act or to renounce. They lack purity, truth, and an understanding of righteous conduct.
- Verse 16.7
Filled with insatiable desires, possessed by vanity, pride, and arrogance, they only work with impure intentions.
- Verse 16.10
These ignorant people who torment the organs in their bodies, as well as the part of me which resides in them, are of a demonic conviction.
- Verse 17.6
Darkness, stagnation, negligence, and delusion, all arise when ignorance prevails.
- Verse 14.13
Clinging to egotism, power, arrogance, pride, and desire, these envious people grow to resent me, both in themselves and in the bodies of others.
- Verse 16.18