10. Infinite Manifestations of God

Vibhūti Yog

Because you are dear to me, Arjuna, I shall speak further on this knowledge for your benefit.


Neither the celestial gods nor the great sages know of my origin, for I am the source from which they all originate.


One who knows me as having no beginning, as the supreme controller of the planets, is delivered from delusion and sin.


Intelligence, wisdom, freedom from delusion and doubt, forgiveness, truthfulness, control of the senses, control of the mind, pleasure, pain, birth, death, fear, courage,


nonviolence, equanimity, satisfaction, austerity, charity, fame, and infamy - all these characteristics of being arise from me alone.


The seven great sages, and the four great sages that came before them, and the original man, and all the living beings who have descended from them, were all born from my will.


One who knows this supreme manifestation and splendor of mine, is undoubtedly established in Bhakti Yoga.


I am the origin of all, the source from where all things move. Understanding this, the wise revere me with devotion.


With their minds focused on me, their lives dedicated to me, and enlightening one another, they live in continual satisfaction.


To those who are ever devoted and worship me with love, I grant them that mental disposition which leads them to me.


I live in their hearts out of compassion, dispelling the darkness of ignorance with the brilliant lamp of knowledge.


Arjuna said:

You are the supreme Brahma, the supreme light, and the supreme purifier. You are the eternal divine spirit, the magnificent, unborn, original God,


proclaimed as such by the divine sages Narada, Asita, Devala, and Vyasa, in all the glory you yourself have describe.


I believe in what you have said, Krishna, for neither the gods nor the demons can comprehend your manifestation.


Supreme person, creator of all beings, lord of all beings, God of Gods, ruler of the universe - you are the only one who knows yourself.


Please tell me of all your divine manifestations, through which you pervade these worlds.


How can I come to know you by constantly meditating on you? And in what way should I meditate upon you?


Tell me again of your powers and glories, for I have not been satiated in hearing your ambrosial words.


Krishna replied:

Indeed, I shall tell you of the most prominent among my divine manifestations, for there is no end to their extent.


I am the self, seated in the heart of all beings. I am the beginning, middle, and end for them all.


Of all the creative powers, I am the creator. Of all the luminous bodies, I am the radiant sun. Of the winds, I am the whirlwind, and among the stars, I am the moon.


Of the scriptures, I am the hymns. Among the gods, I am Indra. Of the senses, I am the mind, and of all living beings, I am the consciousness within.


Among the forces of vitality, I am the force of life. To the heathens and godless, I am the lord of wealth. Of the elements, I am fire, and of the mountains, I am Mount Meru.


Among the priests, I am Brhaspati, priest of the gods. Among the generals, I am Skanda, and of the reservoirs of water, I am the mighty ocean.


Among the great sages, I am Bhrigu. Among the words, I am the single-syllable Om. Among the offerings, I am the silent prayer. Among all immovable things, I am the Himalayas.


Of the trees, I am the sacred fig tree. Among the divine seers, I am Narada. Among the heavenly singers, I am Chitraratha. Among the sages, I am Kapila.


Of the horses, I am Uccaihsravas, born of nectar. Among elephants, I am Airavata, and among men, I am their king.


Of the weapons, I am the thunderbolt. Among the cows, I am their ancestral mother Kamadhenu. I am the passion that drives one to procreate, and among the serpents, I am the cobra Vasuki.


Among the snakes, I am the python Ananta. Among the water deities, I am Varuna. Of the departed ancestors, I am Aryama, father of fathers. Among those who govern this world, I am the god of death.


Of the demons, I am Prahlada, and among times, I am time itself. Among animals, I am the lion, and among birds, I am the eagle Garuda.


Of the purifiers, I am the wind. Of those who bear weapons, I am king Rama. I am the crocodile among fish, and among rivers, I am the Ganga.


I am the beginning, middle, and end of creation. Among sciences, I am the science of the self. Of those who argue, I am reasoning.


Of the syllables, I am 'A', and of the compounds, I am the copulative. Among the annihilators, I am inexhaustible time, and among the creators, I am Brahma.


I am also death, destroyer of all. I am the origin of all that will happen. Of the feminine traits, I am fame, fortune, speech, memory, intelligence, endurance, and forgiveness.


Of the hymns, I am the Brhatsaman, and among meters, I am the Gayatri. Among months, I am Margashirsa, and of seasons, I am the spring.


Of the fraudulent, I am gambling. I am the brilliance of the brilliant, the effort in excellent, and the purity of the pure.


Among the Vishnu clan, I am Vasudeva, and among the Pandavas, I am Arjuna. Among the sages, I am Vyasa, and among the poets, I am Usanas.


I am the punishment of the punishers and the wisdom of those who seek victory. Of secrets, I am the silence. Of the wise, I am the wisdom.


I am the seed of all beings. No creature, moving or unmoving, can exist without me.


There is no limit to my divine manifestations - these are only a few examples.


Whatever is glorious, prosperous, and energetic, know that it comes from a fragment of my splendor.


But what is the use of all these details to you, Arjuna? I sustain this universe with only a small part of myself.


Next chapter

11. Beholding the Form of God

Viśhwarūp Darśhan Yog