10. Infinite Manifestations of God

Vibhūti Yog

BG 10.16

Please tell me of all your divine manifestations, through which you pervade these worlds.

वक्तुमर्हस्यशेषेण दिव्या ह्यात्मविभूतयः
याभिर्विभूतिभिर्लोकानिमांस्त्वं व्याप्य तिष्ठसि

  • vaktum — to describe

  • arhasyaśheṣheṇa — please do completely

    • arhasi — please do

    • aśheṣheṇa — completely

  • divyā — divine

  • hyātma-vibhūtayaḥ — your own opulences indeed
    hi—indeed; ātma—your own; vibhūtayaḥ—opulences

    • hyātma — indeed your own, your self

    • vibhūtayaḥ — opulences

  • yābhir — by which

  • vibhūtibhir — opulences

  • lokān — all worlds

  • imāṁs — these

  • tvaṁ — you

  • vyāpya — pervade

  • tiṣhṭhasi — reside


Arjuna said: You are the supreme Brahma, the supreme light, and the supreme purifier. You are the eternal divine spirit, the magnificent, unborn, original God,


proclaimed as such by the divine sages Narada, Asita, Devala, and Vyasa, in all the glory you yourself have describe.


I believe in what you have said, Krishna, for neither the gods nor the demons can comprehend your manifestation.


Supreme person, creator of all beings, lord of all beings, God of Gods, ruler of the universe - you are the only one who knows yourself.


Please tell me of all your divine manifestations, through which you pervade these worlds.


How can I come to know you by constantly meditating on you? And in what way should I meditate upon you?


Tell me again of your powers and glories, for I have not been satiated in hearing your ambrosial words.


Chapter 10, Verse 16