10. Infinite Manifestations of God

Vibhūti Yog

BG 10.38

I am the punishment of the punishers and the wisdom of those who seek victory. Of secrets, I am the silence. Of the wise, I am the wisdom.

दण्डो दमयतामस्मि नीतिरस्मि जिगीषताम्
मौनं चैवास्मि गुह्यानां ज्ञानं ज्ञानवतामहम्

  • daṇḍo — punishment

  • damayatām — amongst means of preventing lawlessness

  • asmi — I am

  • nītir — proper conduct

  • asmi — I am

  • jigīṣhatām — amongst those who seek victory

  • maunaṁ — silence

  • chaivāsmi — and also I am

    • cha — and

    • eva — also

    • asmi — I am

  • guhyānāṁ — amongst secrets

  • jñānaṁ — wisdom

  • jñānavatām — in the wise

  • aham — I


I am the punishment of the punishers and the wisdom of those who seek victory. Of secrets, I am the silence. Of the wise, I am the wisdom.


I am the seed of all beings. No creature, moving or unmoving, can exist without me.


There is no limit to my divine manifestations - these are only a few examples.


Whatever is glorious, prosperous, and energetic, know that it comes from a fragment of my splendor.


But what is the use of all these details to you, Arjuna? I sustain this universe with only a small part of myself.


Chapter 10, Verse 38