BG 7.19
After many lives, the wise one realizes that "all is God" and surrenders to me. Such a soul is very rare.
वासुदेवः सर्वमिति स महात्मा सुदुर्लभः
bahūnāṁ — many
janmanām — births
ante — after
jñānavān — one who is endowed with knowledge
jñāna-vān—one who is endowed with knowledge -
māṁ — unto me
prapadyate — surrenders
vāsudevaḥ — Krishna
sarvam — all
iti — that
sa — they
mahātmā — great soul
su-durlabhaḥ — very rare
There are four kinds of people who worship me - the pious, the seekers of knowledge, the seekers of material gain, and the wise. Of all these, the wise, ever steadfast in devotion, are most dear to me - and I am most dear to them. All four are of noble mind, but those who are wise are a reflection of myself - steadfast in mind, with me as the ultimate goal. After many lives, the wise one realizes that "all is God" and surrenders to me. Such a soul is very rare. Those whose wisdom has been carried away by material desires, worship other Gods and practice whatever rites they prefer. Whatever the form of worship, if the worshipper does so with faith, then I bestow steady faith upon them. Endowed with that faith, their desire in worship will certainly be granted.
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