7. Knowledge of the Self is Enlightenment

Jñāna Vijñāna Yog

BG 7.1

Krishna said to Arjuna: I will tell you how you can know me without any doubt. Focus your mind on me and practice complete surrender.

श्री भगवानुवाच
मय्यासक्तमनाः पार्थ योगं युञ्जन्मदाश्रयः
असंशयं समग्रं मां यथा ज्ञास्यसि तच्छृणु

  • śhrī bhagavān — Krishna

  • uvācha — said

  • mayyāsakta-manāḥ — with the mind attached to me

    • mayyāsakta

    • manāḥ

  • pārtha — Arjuna
    Arjuna, son of Pritha.

  • yogaṁ — Yoga

  • yuñjan — practicing

  • mad-āśhrayaḥ — surrendering to me

    • mad

    • āśhrayaḥ

  • asanśhayaṁ — free from doubt

  • samagraṁ — completely

  • māṁ — me

  • yathā — how

  • jñāsyasi — you shall know

  • tach — that

  • chhṛiṇu — listen

Krishna said to Arjuna: I will tell you how you can know me without any doubt. Focus your mind on me and practice complete surrender.


When this wisdom I am revealing is fully known to you, nothing else will remain to be known.


Out of thousands of people, only one strives for perfection. Of those who strive for perfection, and even of those who have achieved perfection, only one knows the truth.


Chapter 7, Verse 1