15. The Supreme Spirit

Puruṣhottam Yog

BG 15.19

One who knows me without a doubt to be the supreme self, worships me with the totality of their being.

यो मामेवमसम्मूढो जानाति पुरुषोत्तमम्
स सर्वविद्भजति मां सर्वभावेन भारत

  • yo — who

  • mām — me

  • evam — thus

  • asammūḍho — without a doubt

  • jānāti — know

  • puruṣhottamam — the supreme God, highest Purusha
    puruṣha-uttamam—the Supreme Divine Personality

  • sa — they

  • sarva-vid — with complete knowledge

    • sarva

    • vid

  • bhajati — worship

  • māṁ — me

  • sarva-bhāvena — with one’s whole being

    • sarva

    • bhāvena

  • bhārata — Arjuna
    Refers to Arjuna as the scion of the Bharat clan.


There are two kinds of beings in this world - perishable and imperishable. All beings are perishable, but the liberated are said to be imperishable.


Besides these, there is a supreme divine personality - a supreme indestructible soul that enters the three worlds to support them.


I have transcended the perishable world, and am also above the imperishable one - hence, I am celebrated in the Vedas as the supreme divine personality.


One who knows me without a doubt to be the supreme self, worships me with the totality of their being.


Chapter 15, Verse 19