BG 6.39
Please dispel this doubt of mine completely, for there is none other than you, Krishna, capable of doing so.
त्वदन्यः संशयस्यास्य छेत्ता न ह्युपपद्यते
etan — this
me — my
sanśhayaṁ — doubt
kṛiṣhṇa — Krishna
chhettum — to dispel
arhasyaśheṣhataḥ — you can completely
arhasi — you can
aśheṣhataḥ — completely
tvad-anyaḥ — other than you
tvad — than you
tvat -
anyaḥ — other
sanśhayasyāsya — of this doubt
sanśhayasya — of doubt
asya — this
chhettā — a dispeller
na — never
hyupapadyate — certainly is fit
hi — certainly
upapadyate — is fit
Arjuna asked: What of the ones who fail to control themselves, whose minds fall from spiritual contemplation, yet retain their faith and do not attain perfection? Having failed in both, are they without hope, like a scattered cloud with no support, lost on the spiritual path? Please dispel this doubt of mine completely, for there is none other than you, Krishna, capable of doing so.
Similar verses
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Krishna replied: It is only through my grace and power that you have been able to see this vision of my supreme form in all its radiance and universal glory. Never has it been seen by anyone else.
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- Verse 9.1
Krishna said to Arjuna: I will tell you how you can know me without any doubt. Focus your mind on me and practice complete surrender.
- Verse 7.1