6. Meditation

Dhyān Yog

BG 6.42

Or such a person is born into a family of wise sages, though such a birth is very difficult to obtain.

अथवा योगिनामेव कुले भवति धीमताम्
एतद्धि दुर्लभतरं लोके जन्म यदीदृशम्

  • atha vā — else

  • yoginām — of those established in Yoga

  • eva — certainly

  • kule — in the family

  • bhavati — take birth

  • dhīmatām — of the wise

  • etad — this

  • dhi — certainly

  • durlabhataraṁ — very rare

  • loke — in this world

  • janma — birth

  • yad — which

  • īdṛiśham — like this


Krishna replied: There is no destruction for such a person, either in this world or the next. No evil fate awaits those who tread the path of righteousness.


Having reach the worlds where the righteous dwell, and having remained there for some time, one who has strayed from the path of spirituality is born again into the house of the pure and wealthy.


Or such a person is born into a family of wise sages, though such a birth is very difficult to obtain.


In that life, they are endowed with the wisdom acquired in the previous body, and strive more eagerly than before for perfection.


Even unconsciously, they will return to their old practices. Even one who merely wishes to know about spiritual consciousness will transcend the sacred texts and rituals.


Chapter 6, Verse 42