6. Meditation

Dhyān Yog

BG 6.1

Krishna said: One who acts out of duty, without depending on the fruit of their actions, is truly renounced and a knower of Yoga - not one who merely shuns all action.

श्री भगवानुवाच
अनाश्रितः कर्मफलं कार्यं कर्म करोति यः
स संन्यासी च योगी च न निरग्निर्न चाक्रियः

  • śhrī bhagavān — Krishna

  • uvācha — said

  • anāśhritaḥ — not desiring
    Anāśrita (अनाश्रित) is an adjective for "not connected with" or "independent of"

  • karma-phalaṁ — fruit of action
    Commonly referred to as "the fruit of one's labor"

    • karma — action

    • phalaṁ — fruit

  • kāryaṁ — obligatory

  • karma — work

  • karoti — perform

  • yaḥ — one who

  • sa — that person

  • sannyāsī — a renounced person

  • cha — also

  • yogī — yogi

  • cha — also

  • na — not

  • niragnir — without fire

  • na — not

  • chākriyaḥ — without activity

Krishna said: One who acts out of duty, without depending on the fruit of their actions, is truly renounced and a knower of Yoga - not one who merely shuns all action.


Yoga is what they call renunciation. One cannot become spiritually enlightened without renouncing all desire.


Practice is the only means of reaching the heights of spiritual meditation. When the sage has climbed these heights of Yoga, they maintain themselves there through tranquility and inaction.


When one renounces attachment to sense objects and to actions, they have abandoned all desires and attained the heights of Yoga.


Chapter 6, Verse 1