BG 5.20
One who knows and lives in that highest reality remains unmoved and unperturbed, neither elated by pleasure nor depressed by pain.
स्थिरबुद्धिरसम्मूढो ब्रह्मविद्ब्रह्मणि स्थितः
na — nor
prahṛiṣhyet — rejoice
priyaṁ — the pleasant
prāpya — attaining
nodvijet — not becoming disturbed
na — nor
udvijet — become disturbed
prāpya — attaining
chāpriyam — and the unpleasant
cha — also
apriyam — the unpleasant
sthira-buddhir — steady intellect
asammūḍho — firmly situated
brahma-vid — knowing Brahman
brahma — Brahma
vid — knower, knowing
brahmaṇi — established in Brahman
sthitaḥ — situated
The sage looks upon all with equanimity - a humble and wise priest, a cow, an elephant, a dog, or even an outcaste. Even in this world, those whose minds remain equanimous and established in Brahman conquer the cycle of rebirth. One who knows and lives in that highest reality remains unmoved and unperturbed, neither elated by pleasure nor depressed by pain. One who finds happiness within their own self, whose mind is detached from external contact and remains engaged in the contemplation on Brahman, enjoys everlasting bliss.
Similar verses
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- Verse 2.57
One who is self-controlled and has attained peace is equally unmoved by heat or cold, pleasure or pain, and in honor and dishonor.
- Verse 6.7
A sage of steady wisdom is undisturbed by misery, does not crave pleasure, and remains free from attachment, fear, and anger.
- Verse 2.56
One who finds happiness within their own self, whose mind is detached from external contact and remains engaged in the contemplation on Brahman, enjoys everlasting bliss.
- Verse 5.21
One whose mind is entirely detached, who has conquered the self and is free from desire, attains through renunciation the supreme perfection and freedom from action.
- Verse 18.49