BG 18.49
One whose mind is entirely detached, who has conquered the self and is free from desire, attains through renunciation the supreme perfection and freedom from action.
नैष्कर्म्यसिद्धिं परमां संन्यासेनाधिगच्छति
asakta-buddhiḥ — those whose intellect is unattached
sarvatra — everywhere
jitātmā — mastered the self
jita-ātmā -
vigata-spṛihaḥ — free from desires
naiṣhkarmya-siddhiṁ — state of actionlessness
paramāṁ — highest
sannyāsenādhigachchhati — attained by the practice of renunciation
sanyāsena — by the practice of renunciation
adhigachchhati — attain
One attains perfection by diligently attending to their duty. I will now tell you how one attains success through devotion to their actions. One reaches perfection by dedicating their actions to the creator of all beings who pervades all things. It is better to do one's own duty, however defective it may be, than to follow the duty of another, however well one may perform it. One who does the duty ordained by their own nature incurs no sin. One should not abandon their duty, even if it appears to be defective. All endeavors are enveloped by imperfection, just as fire is obscured by smoke. One whose mind is entirely detached, who has conquered the self and is free from desire, attains through renunciation the supreme perfection and freedom from action.
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