BG 5.18
The sage looks upon all with equanimity - a humble and wise priest, a cow, an elephant, a dog, or even an outcaste.
शुनि चैव श्वपाके च पण्डिताः समदर्शिनः
vidyā-vinaya-sampanne — equipped with divine knowledge and humility
brāhmaṇe — a Brahmin
gavi — a cow
hastini — an elephant
śhuni — a dog
chaiva — and even
śhva-pāke — a dog-eater
This is a reference to the Chandala caste of Vedic society, which dealt with the disposal of human corpses and was widely known as the sole exception to traditional Hindu vegetarianism.-
cha — and
paṇḍitāḥ — the learned
sama-darśhinaḥ — see with equal vision
sama — match, same
darśhin — Seeing, perceiving, viewing, observing, experiencing
The sage looks upon all with equanimity - a humble and wise priest, a cow, an elephant, a dog, or even an outcaste. Even in this world, those whose minds remain equanimous and established in Brahman conquer the cycle of rebirth. One who knows and lives in that highest reality remains unmoved and unperturbed, neither elated by pleasure nor depressed by pain. One who finds happiness within their own self, whose mind is detached from external contact and remains engaged in the contemplation on Brahman, enjoys everlasting bliss.
Similar verses
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- Verse 5.25
Having realized the state of Brahman, serene in the self, one neither grieves nor rejoices. They remain equanimous toward all beings, and gain supreme devotion to me.
- Verse 18.54
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- Verse 8.28
The sage recognizes the unity of life and experiences me in all beings. They exist within me, no matter what their background or condition may be.
- Verse 6.31
...that sage who has controlled the senses, mind, and intellect, and is free from desire, fear, and anger, attains eternal liberation.
- Verse 5.28