BG 2.63
Anger clouds judgement and bewilders one's memory. When memory is bewildered, the intellect is destroyed, and the self is ruined.
स्मृतिभ्रंशाद् बुद्धिनाशो बुद्धिनाशात्प्रणश्यति
krodhād — from anger
bhavati — comes
sammohaḥ — clouding of judgement
sammohāt — from clouding of judgement
smṛiti-vibhramaḥ — bewilderment of discrimination
smṛiti—mental state; vibhramaḥ—bewilderment-
smṛiti-bhranśhād — from bewilderment of discrimination
buddhi-nāśho — destruction of intellect
buddhi-nāśhāt — from destruction of intellect
praṇaśhyati — one is ruined
One might restrain the senses, but cravings do not change until one recognizes the supreme consciousness. The senses are so strong and turbulent that they can even carry away the mind of someone who practices discrimination and self-control. Having subdued the senses, sit toward me and remain fixed in perfect knowledge. When one thinks of sense objects, attachment to them arises; from attachment, desire is born; from desire, anger arises. Anger clouds judgement and bewilders one's memory. When memory is bewildered, the intellect is destroyed, and the self is ruined.
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