2. Transcendental Knowledge

Sānkhya Yog

BG 2.64

When one can control their mind and perceive the world with senses that are free from craving and aversion, they achieve divine serenity.

रागद्वेषवियुक्तैस्तु विषयानिन्द्रियैश्चरन्
आत्मवश्यैर्विधेयात्मा प्रसादमधिगच्छति

  • rāga-dveṣha-viyuktais — free from attachment and aversion

    • rāga — attachment

    • dveṣha — aversion

    • viyuktais — free from

  • tu — but

  • viṣhayān — objects of the senses

  • indriyaiśh — by the senses

  • charan — while using

  • ātma-vaśhyair-vidheyātmā — controlling the mind with the mind
    ātma-vaśhyaiḥ—controlling one’s mind; vidheya-ātmā—one who controls the mind

    • ātma

    • vaśhyair

    • vidheyātmā

  • prasādam — the grace of God

  • adhigachchhati — attains


When one can control their mind and perceive the world with senses that are free from craving and aversion, they achieve divine serenity.


In that serenity, all sorrows are destroyed, and wisdom becomes firmly established.


There is no wisdom, contemplation, or peace for the troubled person. How can such a person ever be happy?


The mind's roaming follows the wandering senses, just as a ship is carried away by the winds.


Chapter 2, Verse 64