BG 1.46
It would be better if the sons of Dhritarashtra should slay me in battle, unarmed and unresisting.
धार्तराष्ट्रा रणे हन्युस्तन्मे क्षेमतरं भवेत्
yadi — if
mām — me
apratīkāram — unresisting
aśhastraṁ — unarmed
śhastra-pāṇayaḥ — those with weapons in hand
śhastra — weapons
pāṇayaḥ — grasped in hand
Conjugation of pāṇi (पाणि) which refers to grasping with the hands
dhārtarāṣhṭrā — sons of Dhritarashtra
raṇe — in battle
hanyus — should kill
tan — that
me — to me
kṣhemataraṁ — better
Kṣema (क्षेम) - beneficial, well and taraṁ - suffix to denote superiority -
bhavet — would be
When a community perishes, its traditions and duties are destroyed, and the families are overcome by immorality.
[40]When impiety prevails, the women become immoral, and children of mixed social groups are born.
[41]Promiscuity ruins both the family and those who defile it, depriving the ancestors of ritual offerings.
[42]By the destruction of lineages and the intermingling of social classes, ancient traditions and family values are destroyed.
[43]The wise say that those who destroy family traditions are destined for hell.
[44]What a pity that we have decided to commit this great sin, prepared to slay our kinsmen for the pleasures of kingdom.
[45]It would be better if the sons of Dhritarashtra should slay me in battle, unarmed and unresisting.
[46]Similar verses
We do not know if it is better for us to conquer or to be conquered. The sons of Dhritarashtra, who we do not want to kill, stand ready to kill us.
- Verse 2.6
What pleasure will there be in killing the sons of Dhritarashtra? We would only incur sin by killing these aggressors.
- Verse 1.36
Drona, Bhishma, Jayadratha, Karna, and all the other mighty warriors, have all been condemned to die by my hand. Fight them without fear in this great battle.
- Verse 11.34
All these sons of Dhritarashtra and their allies, as well as the leading warriors on our side, ...
- Verse 11.26
Seeing Dhritirashtra's sons arrayed for war, Arjuna picked up his bow and spoke the following words to Krishna.
- Verse 1.20