BG 1.47
Having said these words, Arjuna cast aside his bow and arrow, and sat down in his chariot overcome with grief.
एवमुक्त्वाऽर्जुनः संख्ये रथोपस्थ उपाविशत्
विसृज्य सशरं चापं शोकसंविग्नमानसः
sañjaya — Sanjaya
uvācha — said
evam — thus
uktvārjunaḥ — Arjuna spoke
saṅkhye — in the battlefield
rathopastha — on the chariot
upāviśhat — sat down
visṛijya — casting aside
sa-śharaṁ — along with arrows
sa — with
स -
śharaṁ — arrows
A śara (शर) is an arrow or shaft
chāpaṁ — the bow
śhoka-saṁvigna-mānasaḥ — with a grieved and distressed mind
śhoka — with grief
saṁvigna — distressed
mānasaḥ — mind
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