BG 5.15
God does not accept anyone's virtuous deed nor their sins. Knowledge remains covered by ignorance, and keeps living beings submerged in delusion.
अज्ञानेनावृतं ज्ञानं तेन मुह्यन्ति जन्तवः
nādatte — not accepts
na — not
ādatte — accepts
kasyachit — anyone's
pāpaṁ — sin
na — not
chaiva — and certainly
cha — and
eva — certainly
sukṛitaṁ — virtuous deeds
vibhuḥ — God
ajñānenāvṛitaṁ — covered by ignorance
ajñānena — by ignorance
āvṛitam — covered
jñānaṁ — knowledge
tena — by that
muhyanti — are deluded
jantavaḥ — the living entities
God does not ordain activity, create incentives, or define the relation between cause and effect - this is all enacted by nature. God does not accept anyone's virtuous deed nor their sins. Knowledge remains covered by ignorance, and keeps living beings submerged in delusion. But those for whom knowledge of the self has destroyed this ignorance, their wisdom shines like the sun. Those whose intellects pursue it, whose minds think about it, who undergo discipline for it, and who hold it as their highest object, have their impurities cleansed by knowledge and reach a state from which there is no return.
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