15. The Supreme Spirit

Puruṣhottam Yog

BG 15.10

The ignorant do not perceive the soul as it resides in the body, nor as it experiences the body and departs the body. But those who possess the eyes of knowledge can behold it.

उत्क्रामन्तं स्थितं वापि भुञ्जानं वा गुणान्वितम्
विमूढा नानुपश्यन्ति पश्यन्ति ज्ञानचक्षुषः

  • utkrāmantaṁ — departing

  • sthitaṁ — residing

  • vāpi — or even

  • bhuñjānaṁ — enjoys

  • — or

  • guṇānvitam — bewitched by material nature

  • vimūḍhā — the ignorant

  • nānupaśhyanti — do not perceive

  • paśhyanti — behold

  • jñāna-chakṣhuṣhaḥ — those who possess the eyes of knowledge

    • jñāna — knowledge

    • chakṣhuṣhaḥ — vision


The ignorant do not perceive the soul as it resides in the body, nor as it experiences the body and departs the body. But those who possess the eyes of knowledge can behold it.


With great effort, the diligent saint perceives the soul enshrined within the body. However, those whose minds are not purified cannot cognize it, even though they strive to do so.


Chapter 15, Verse 10