BG 5.12
One who abandons the fruit of action attains everlasting peace. Those who remain attached to the fruit of their actions, driven by desire for the outcome, remain in bondage to attachment.
अयुक्तः कामकारेण फले सक्तो निबध्यते
yuktaḥ — united with
karma-phalaṁ — the results of all activities
karma — actions, activities, work
phalaṁ — fruits, results
tyaktvā — giving up
śhāntim — peace
āpnoti — attains
naiṣhṭhikīm — everlasting
ayuktaḥ — not united
kāma-kāreṇa — impelled by desires
phale — outcome
sakto — attached
nibadhyate — becomes entangled
One who dedicates all action to Brahman, and abandons all attachment, is untouched by sin like a lotus leaf above water. The sage renounces attachment and uses the body, mind, intellect, and senses as a means of purification. One who abandons the fruit of action attains everlasting peace. Those who remain attached to the fruit of their actions, driven by desire for the outcome, remain in bondage to attachment. One who mentally renounces all action enjoys happiness and self-control of the body, neither doing anything nor causing anything to be done.
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