BG 18.71
And the one who listens to it with faith and without doubt will also be released, and rise to the worlds attained by the righteous.
सोऽपि मुक्तः शुभाँल्लोकान्प्राप्नुयात्पुण्यकर्मणाम्
śhraddhāvān — faithful
anasūyaśh — without envy
cha — and
śhṛiṇuyād — listen
api — certainly
yo — who
naraḥ — a person
so — that person
‘pi — also
muktaḥ — liberated
śhubhāl — auspicious
lokān — abodes
prāpnuyāt — attain
puṇya-karmaṇām — of the pious
One who teaches this great secret to my devotees is of the highest devotion, and will certainly come to me. There is no one among mankind who does more valuable service, nor is there anyone on earth more beloved by me. Whoever might study this spiritual discourse of ours will be worshipping me through the sacrifice of knowledge - this is my opinion. And the one who listens to it with faith and without doubt will also be released, and rise to the worlds attained by the righteous. Have you listened attentively to my words, Arjuna? Has your ignorance and delusion been dispelled?
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