BG 18.60
Bound by your own duty and born of your own nature, you will be compelled to do the very thing that delusion now prevents you from doing.
कर्तुं नेच्छसि यन्मोहात्करिष्यस्यवशोऽपि तत्
swbhāva-jena — born of one's material nature
swbhāva — material nature
jena — born of
kaunteya — Arjuna
nibaddhaḥ — bound
svena — by your own
karmaṇā — actions
kartuṁ — to do
nechchhasi — you do not wish
na — not
ichchhasi — you wish
yan — which
mohāt — out of delusion
kariṣhyasy — you will do
avaśho — helplessly
avaśhaḥ -
’pi — even though
tat — that
Having realized the state of Brahman, serene in the self, one neither grieves nor rejoices. They remain equanimous toward all beings, and gain supreme devotion to me. Through such devotion, they come to know the truth of who and what I am. Realizing the truth, they enter into my divine kingdom. Performing all actions for my sake, such a person attains the eternal, imperishable abode. Dedicate all your actions to me, having me as your highest goal, and focus your thoughts on me at all times. Having focused your mind on me, you will overcome all obstacles by my grace. If you do not choose to heed my words, and listen to your ego instead, you will perish. If, in your vanity, you think of avoiding this fight, your resolve may be futile but your very nature will compel you to fight. Bound by your own duty and born of your own nature, you will be compelled to do the very thing that delusion now prevents you from doing.
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