BG 18.63
Thus, I have imparted to you this truth, the most profound of all mysteries. Once you have fully reflected upon it, you are free to do as you will.
विमृश्यैतदशेषेण यथेच्छसि तथा कुरु
iti — thus
te — to you
jñānam — knowledge
ākhyātaṁ — explained
guhyād — than secret knowledge
guhyataraṁ — more secretive knowledge
mayā — by me
vimṛiśhyaitad — pondering on this
vimṛiśhya — pondering
etat — on this
aśheṣheṇa — completely
yathechchhasi — as you wish
yathā — as
ichchhasi — you wish
tathā — so
kuru — do
God dwells in the heart of all beings, and spins them around on in a machine of illusion. Seek refuge in the self with the entirety of your being. By my grace, you shall find supreme peace and an eternal abode. Thus, I have imparted to you this truth, the most profound of all mysteries. Once you have fully reflected upon it, you are free to do as you will.
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