BG 1.28
Arjuna said: Seeing all my kinsmen present here, eager to fight, ...
दृष्ट्वेमं स्वजनं कृष्ण युयुत्सुं समुपस्थितम्
arjuna — Arjuna
uvācha — said
dṛiṣhṭvemaṁ — seeing all these
dṛiṣhṭva — on seeing
imaṁ — these
sva-janaṁ — family members
sva — my own
janaṁ — people
kṛiṣhṇa — Krishna
yuyutsuṁ — eager to fight
samupasthitam — arrived, are present
Arjuna said: Seeing all my kinsmen present here, eager to fight, my limbs are weak, my mouth is drying up, my body is trembling, and my hairs are standing on end. My bow is slipping from my hand, and my skin is burning. I can no longer stand - my mind is spinning. I foresee bad omens and misfortune from killing my kinsmen in battle. I desire no victory, empire, nor earthly pleasures. What do we gain from having this kingdom, or even life itself?
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