BG 7.12
I am the source of all that is pure, all that is passionate, and all that is ignorant. They are within me, but I am not within them.
मत्त एवेति तान्विद्धि नत्वहं तेषु ते मयि
ye — whatever
chaiva — and certainly
cha — and
eva — certainly
sāttvikā — in the quality of purity
bhāvā — states of material existence
rājasās — in the quality of passion
tāmasāśh — in the quality of ignorance
cha — and
ye — whatever
matta — from me
eveti — thus indeed
eva — certainly
iti — thus
tān — those
viddhi — know
na — not
tvahaṁ — but I
tu — but
aham — I
teṣhu — in them
te — they
mayi — in me
I am the source of all that is pure, all that is passionate, and all that is ignorant. They are within me, but I am not within them. Deluded by these three qualities of nature (purity, passion, and ignorance), the entire world fails to recognize the supreme and imperishable. This divine illusion is difficult to overcome. Only those who surrender themselves entirely to me can accomplish it. The evil doers, the ignorant, the hedonistic, and deprived, all do not surrender to me.
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