BG 6.13
Holding the body, head, and neck motionless and steady, fix one's attention on the tip of the nose, without looking in any other direction.
संप्रेक्ष्य नासिकाग्रं स्वं दिशश्चानवलोकयन्
samaṁ — straight
kāya-śhiro-grīvaṁ — body, head, and neck
kāya — body
śhiro — head
grīvaṁ — neck
dhārayann — holding
achalaṁ — unmoving
sthiraḥ — still
samprekṣhya — gazing
nāsikāgraṁ — at the tip of the nose
nāsika-agram—at the tip of the nose -
svaṁ — own
diśhaśh — directions
chānavalokayan — and not looking
cha — and
anavalokayan — not looking
The yogi should constantly strive to control and concentrate the mind, living in seclusion, free from desire and possessions. Having chosen a sacred location, they should sit in a firm posture on a seat that is neither too high nor too low, covered in a grass mat, deer skin, and cloth. Seated thus, with a single-pointed mind, having control of the emotions and senses, one should practice meditation for the purification of the self. Holding the body, head, and neck motionless and steady, fix one's attention on the tip of the nose, without looking in any other direction. With serenity and courage, firm in the vow of celibacy, having controlled the mind, have me as the ultimate goal. By always keeping the mind balanced, one attains peace and everlasting liberation.
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