2. Transcendental Knowledge

Sānkhya Yog

BG 2.17

There is an imperishable entity that pervades all things. Nothing can destroy it.

अविनाशि तु तद्विद्धि येन सर्वमिदं ततम्
विनाशमव्ययस्यास्य न कश्चित् कर्तुमर्हति

  • avināśhi — indestructible

  • tu — indeed

  • tadviddhi — that know

    • tat — that

    • viddhi — know

  • yena — by whom

  • sarvam — entire

  • idaṁ — this

  • tatam — pervaded

  • vināśham — destruction

  • avyayasyāsya — of the imperishable

  • na — not

  • kaśhchit — anyone

  • kartum — to cause

  • arhati — is able


Only the person who is not distressed by these sensations, who can accept both pain and pleasure with equanimity, is eligible for liberation.


Those who have seen the truth know that the unreal does not exist, and that which is real never ceases to exist.


There is an imperishable entity that pervades all things. Nothing can destroy it.


These material bodies have an end, while the soul they carry is eternal, indestructible, and incomprehensible. Therefore, Arjuna, fight in this battle!


Chapter 2, Verse 17