2. Transcendental Knowledge

Sānkhya Yog

BG 2.24

This soul cannot be broken, burned, drowned, or dried. It is eternal, all-pervasive, and unchanging.

अच्छेद्योऽयमदाह्योऽयमक्लेद्योऽशोष्य एव च
नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणुरचलोऽयं सनातनः

  • achchhedyo — unbreakable

  • ’yam — this soul

  • adāhyo — incombustible

  • ’yam — this soul

  • akledyo — cannot be dampened

  • ’śhoṣhya — cannot be dried

  • eva — indeed

  • cha — and

  • nityaḥ — everlasting

  • sarva-gataḥ — all-pervading

    • sarva — all

    • gataḥ — situated in, contained in

  • sthāṇur — unalterable

  • achalo — immutable

  • ’yaṁ — this

  • sanātanaḥ — primordial


As one would cast off worn-out garments and put on new ones, the soul casts off its worn-out bodies and enters new ones.


The soul cannot be cut by weapons, burned by fire, drenched by water or dried by the wind.


This soul cannot be broken, burned, drowned, or dried. It is eternal, all-pervasive, and unchanging.


This soul is said to be unchanging and inconceivable. Therefore, knowing this, you have no reason to grieve.


Chapter 2, Verse 24