15. The Supreme Spirit

Puruṣhottam Yog

BG 15.9

Presiding over the ears, eyes, skin, tongue, nose, and mind, it savors the objects of the senses.

श्रोत्रं चक्षुः स्पर्शनं च रसनं घ्राणमेव च
अधिष्ठाय मनश्चायं विषयानुपसेवते

  • śhrotraṁ — ears

  • chakṣhuḥ — eyes

  • sparśhanaṁ — sense of touch

  • cha — also

  • rasanaṁ — tongue

  • ghrāṇam — nose

  • eva — also

  • cha — and

  • adhiṣhṭhāya — grouped around

  • manaśh — mind

  • chāyaṁ — they also

  • viṣhayān — sense objects

  • upasevate — savors


Free from vanity, delusion, and attachment, with a mind that dwells constantly in the self, renounced of desire and liberated from the duality of pleasure and pain, one attains that eternal abode.


Neither the sun nor the moon can illuminate this supreme abode where one goes to never return.


The embodied souls in this world are my fragments, bound into material nature by the five senses and the mind.


As the embodied soul enters and leaves bodies, it carries these with them like the wind carries scents from place to place.


Presiding over the ears, eyes, skin, tongue, nose, and mind, it savors the objects of the senses.


Chapter 15, Verse 9