BG 14.7
Passion, engendered by thirst for pleasure and attachment, establishes itself with attachment to action.
तन्निबध्नाति कौन्तेय कर्मसङ्गेन देहिनम्
rajo — attribute of passion
rāgātmakaṁ — of the nature of passion
viddhi — know
tṛiṣhṇā-saṅga-samudbhavam — arises from attachment to desire
tṛiṣhṇā — desires
saṅga — association, attachment
samudbhavam — arises from
tan — that
nibadhnāti — binds
kaunteya — Arjuna
karma-saṅgena — through attachment to actions
karma — actions
saṅgena — attachment
dehinam — the embodied soul
Of these, purity is luminous and full of well-being. It establishes itself through attachment to happiness and to knowledge. Passion, engendered by thirst for pleasure and attachment, establishes itself with attachment to action. Ignorance, born of false knowledge and delusion, establishes itself with negligence, laziness, and sleep. Purity generates attachment to happiness, passion generates attachment to action, and ignorance generates attachment to negligence. Purity prevails when passion and ignorance are overcome. Passion reigns when purity and ignorance are overwhelmed, and ignorance arises when purity and passion are overpowered.
Similar verses
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- Verse 18.24
Purity generates attachment to happiness, passion generates attachment to action, and ignorance generates attachment to negligence.
- Verse 14.9
One who acts with attachment, seeks the fruit of their actions, who is greedy, cruel, or swayed by delight or sorrow, is said to be of an passionate nature.
- Verse 18.27
The pleasure from the contact of the senses with the sense objects, which starts as nectar and ends as poison, is born of passion.
- Verse 18.38
Greed, restlessness, agitation, and craving, are all due to the dominance of passion.
- Verse 14.12