14. The Three Qualities of Nature

Guṇa Traya Vibhāg Yog

BG 14.20

When the soul transcends these three qualities from which the body is born, they are freed from birth and death, old age and misery, and attain immortality.

गुणानेतानतीत्य त्रीन्देही देहसमुद्भवान्

  • guṇān — the three qualities of material nature

  • etān — these

  • atītya — transcending

  • trīn — three

  • dehī — the embodied

  • deha-samudbhavān — produced of the body

    • deha — body

    • samudbhavān — produced of

  • janma-mṛityu-jarā-duḥkhair — birth, death, old age, and misery

    • janma — birth

    • mṛityu — death

    • jarā — old age

    • duḥkhair — misery

  • vimukto — freed from

  • ’mṛitam — immortality

  • aśhnute — attains


When one understands that it is only these three qualities that cause action, and perceives what is beyond them, they attain my divine nature.


When the soul transcends these three qualities from which the body is born, they are freed from birth and death, old age and misery, and attain immortality.


Chapter 14, Verse 20