14. The Three Qualities of Nature

Guṇa Traya Vibhāg Yog

BG 14.23

They sit like an unconcerned person, unmoved by the three qualities of nature.

उदासीनवदासीनो गुणैर्यो न विचाल्यते
गुणा वर्तन्त इत्येव योऽवतिष्ठति नेङ्गते

  • udāsīna-vad — neutrality

    • udāsīna

    • vad

  • āsīno — situated

  • guṇair — to the qualities of material nature

  • yo — who

  • na — not

  • vichālyate — are disturbed

  • guṇā — qualities of nature

  • vartanta — act

  • ity — this

  • evaṁ — even in

  • yo — who

  • ’vatiṣhṭhati — established in the self

  • neṅgate — does not waver

    • na — not

    • iṅgate — wavering


Krishna replied: Such a person does not hate illumination, activity, or even delusion, nor do they long for them when they are absent.


They sit like an unconcerned person, unmoved by the three qualities of nature.


To such a person, pain and pleasure are the same. The cold, a stone, and a lump of gold are all the same. The pleasant and unpleasant things are equal. They are intelligent, indifferent to both blame and praise.


Chapter 14, Verse 23