BG 14.14
When purity prevails, the soul may pass from the body to the pure worlds of the enlightened.
तदोत्तमविदां लोकानमलान्प्रतिपद्यते
yadā — when
sattve — in the quality of purity and goodness
pravṛiddhe — when premodinates
tu — indeed
pralayaṁ — death
yāti — reach
deha-bhṛit — the embodied
tadottama-vidāṁ — then the most enlightened
tadā—then; uttama-vidām—of the learned-
lokān — abodes
amalān — pure
pratipadyate — attains
When purity prevails, the soul may pass from the body to the pure worlds of the enlightened. When passion prevails, the soul is reborn among those attached to work. Similarly, when ignorance prevails, the soul is reborn in the wombs of the foolish.
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