17. Three Divisions of Faith

Śhraddhā Traya Vibhāg Yog

BG 17.19

Austerities born of ignorance are practiced with deluded notions or the infliction of pain.

मूढग्राहेणात्मनो यत्पीडया क्रियते तपः
परस्योत्सादनार्थं वा तत्तामसमुदाहृतम्

  • mūḍha-grāheṇātmano — those confused of one's purpose

    • mūḍha — confused, deluded

    • grāheṇātmano — endeavor of the self

  • yat — which

  • pīḍayā — torturing

  • kriyate — is performed

  • tapaḥ — austerity

  • parasyotsādanārthaṁ — for harming others

    • parasya — of others

    • utsādana-artham — for harming

  • — or

  • tat — that

  • tāmasam — in the mode of ignorance

  • udāhṛitam — is described to be


Worship of the gods, twice-borns, elders, and the wise, purity, honesty, straightforwardness, and nonviolence, are all austerities of the body.


Austerity of speech is only speaking that which causes no pain, carries the truth, is pleasant and beneficial to hear - like recitation of the scriptures.


Serenity of mind, benevolence, silence, self-control, and mental purity, are all austerities of the mind.


These three austerities, performed with faith and without concern toward reward, are the austerities of purity.


An austerity born of passion is practiced for the sake of respect, honor, reverence, and praise.


Austerities born of ignorance are practiced with deluded notions or the infliction of pain.


Chapter 17, Verse 19