3. Selfless Service

Karm Yog

BG 3.18

For them, there is nothing to gain from action or inaction. Their welfare does not depend on the contribution of mortal creatures.

नैव तस्य कृतेनार्थो नाकृतेनेह कश्चन
न चास्य सर्वभूतेषु कश्िचदर्थव्यपाश्रयः

  • naiva — not indeed

    • na — not

    • eva — indeed

  • tasya — his

  • kṛitenārtho — gain by performance of duty

    • kṛitena — by discharge of duty

    • arthaḥ — gain

  • nākṛiteneha — not without performance of duty

    • na — not

    • akṛitena — without discharge of duty

  • kaśhchana — whatsoever

  • na — never

  • chāsya — and of that person

    • cha — and

    • asya — of that person

  • sarva-bhūteṣhu — among all living beings

    • sarva

    • bhūteṣhu

  • kaśhchid — any

  • artha-vyapāśhrayaḥ — necessity to depend upon

    • artha — necessity

    • vyapāśhrayaḥ — to depend upon


For the one whose only delight is in the self, is satisfied within the self, and is content in the self alone, nothing remains to be accomplished.


For them, there is nothing to gain from action or inaction. Their welfare does not depend on the contribution of mortal creatures.


Therefore, without attachment, perform the work that is your duty, for one who does their duty without attachment attains perfection.


King Janaka and others reached perfection through action alone. Even for the sake of enlightening the world, you must act.


Whatever a great person does, others follow and imitate, conforming to the standard they have set.


Chapter 3, Verse 18