14. The Three Qualities of Nature

Guṇa Traya Vibhāg Yog

BG 14.26

And one who serves me alone, with unwavering devotion, will transcend the three Gunas and become one with Brahman.

मां च योऽव्यभिचारेण भक्ितयोगेन सेवते
स गुणान्समतीत्यैतान् ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते

  • māṁ — me

  • cha — only

  • yo — who

  • ’vyabhichāreṇa — without adulteration
    Used to indicate "with absolute necessity", which in this context refers to fervent, single-pointed devotion.

  • bhakti-yogena — through devotion

    • bhakti

    • yogena

  • sevate — serve

  • sa — they

  • guṇān — the three qualities of material nature

  • samatītyaitān — rise above these

    • samatītya — rise above

    • etān — these

  • brahma-bhūyāya — level of Brahman

    • brahma

    • bhūyāya

  • kalpate — one comes to


One who looks equally upon honor and dishonor, loves friend and foe alike, and abandons all undertakings, has transcended the three qualities of nature.


And one who serves me alone, with unwavering devotion, will transcend the three Gunas and become one with Brahman.


For I am the abode of the immortal Brahman, the eternal Dharma, and infinite bliss.


Chapter 14, Verse 26