BG 13.24
One who understands the self and nature, along with the natural qualities, will never be reborn, regardless of what condition they may find themselves in.
सर्वथा वर्तमानोऽपि न स भूयोऽभिजायते
ya — who
evaṁ — thus
vetti — understand
puruṣhaṁ — Puruṣh
prakṛitiṁ — the material nature
cha — and
guṇaiḥ — the three modes of nature
saha — with
sarvathā — in every way
vartamāno — situated
’pi — although
na — not
sa — they
bhūyo — again
’bhijāyate — take birth
The self in the body is called the observer, approver, supporter, experiencer, great master, and also the supreme self. One who understands the self and nature, along with the natural qualities, will never be reborn, regardless of what condition they may find themselves in. Some recognize the self through meditation; others, through knowledge and reasoning; and others, through righteous action. But others, having no direct knowledge but having heard from others, worship accordingly. If they are devoted to what they have heard, they too can pass beyond death.
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