11. Beholding the Form of God

Viśhwarūp Darśhan Yog

BG 11.7

Behold the universe living in me, with all its moving and immovable things. Behold whatever else you desire to see!

इहैकस्थं जगत्कृत्स्नं पश्याद्य सचराचरम्
मम देहे गुडाकेश यच्चान्यद्द्रष्टुमिच्छसि

  • ihaika-sthaṁ — assembled here as one
    The word eka-stham means "situated in one", where stham by itself means "situated". It is also used in BG 13.31 to refer to the perspective of seeing all living entities as one being.

    • iha — here

    • ika — one

    • sthaṁ — situated

  • jagat — the universe

  • kṛitsnaṁ — entire

  • paśhyādya — now behold

    • paśhya — behold

    • adya — now

  • sa-charācharam — with the moving and stationary
    sa—with; chara—the moving; acharam—the non-moving

    • sa — with

    • chara — the moving

    • acharam — the non-moving

  • mama — my

  • dehe — in this form

  • guḍākeśha — Arjuna
    Common epithet for Arjuna.

  • yach — whatever

  • chānyad — else as well

    • cha — also

    • anyad — else

  • draṣhṭum — to see

  • ichchhasi — you wish


Krishna replied: Behold, Arjuna! My celestial forms, by the hundreds and thousands, of all shapes and colors.


Behold the powers of nature, the sun, the heavens, the moon and the stars, the forces of vitality and healing, and the powerful winds. Behold the wonders that have never been seen before.


Behold the universe living in me, with all its moving and immovable things. Behold whatever else you desire to see!


Since you cannot see me with mortal eyes, I give you divine sight, so you may behold my cosmic manifestation.


Chapter 11, Verse 7