11. Beholding the Form of God

Viśhwarūp Darśhan Yog

BG 11.10

There were countless eyes, mouths, and mystic forms, with divine ornaments and celestial weapons.

अनेकदिव्याभरणं दिव्यानेकोद्यतायुधम्

  • aneka-vaktra-nayanam — many faces and eyes

    • aneka — many

    • vaktra — faces

    • nayanam — eyes

  • anekādbhuta-darśhanam — had a vision of many wonderful

    • anekādbhuta — many wonderful
      aneka—many; adbhuta—wonderful

    • darśhanam — had a vision of

  • aneka-divyābharaṇaṁ — many divine ornaments
    aneka—many; divya—divine; ābharaṇam—ornaments

    • aneka

    • divyābharaṇaṁ

  • divyānekodyatāyudham — many raised divine weapons
    divya—divine; aneka—many; udyata—uplifted; āyudham—weapons;


Sanjaya said: Having thus spoken, my king, the great Lord of Yoga revealed to Arjuna his divine form.


There were countless eyes, mouths, and mystic forms, with divine ornaments and celestial weapons.


Crowned with heavenly garlands, anointed with divine perfumes, he showed himself as the resplendent, marvelous, boundless, and omnipotent one.


If a thousand suns were to blaze forth together, it would be but a faint reflection of the radiance of that almighty being.


There, in the body of the Supreme God, Arjuna saw the entire universe resting in a single spot.


Then, overcome with amazement, his hairs standing on end, he bowed his head to Krishna and spoke with folded hands.


Chapter 11, Verse 10