BG 8.23
Now, I will tell you the times at which the great souls depart to the state of no return, and at which they go forth only to return.
प्रयाता यान्ति तं कालं वक्ष्यामि भरतर्षभ
yatra — where
kāle — time
tvanāvṛittim — certainly no return
tu — certainly
anāvṛittim — no return
āvṛittiṁ — return
chaiva — and certainly
cha — and
eva — certainly
yoginaḥ — a yogi
prayātā — having departed
yānti — attain
taṁ — that
kālaṁ — time
vakṣhyāmi — I shall describe
bharatarṣhabha — Arjuna
Now, I will tell you the times at which the great souls depart to the state of no return, and at which they go forth only to return. One who knows of the supreme spirit attains it by passing from this world under the sun at an auspicious time of day, during the fornight of the waxing moon, or during the six months of the Northern summer solstice. The sage who passes away on a gloomy night, or during the fortnight of the waning moon, or in the six months prior to the winter solstice, reaches only the lunar light and will be reborn. These bright and dark paths out of the world are eternal. Through one, a person achieves the state of non-return; through the other, they return again. The saint, steadfast in meditation and aware of these two paths, does not become deluded. The sage who understands this transcends all merit from scriptures, sacrifice, austerity, or charity, and reaches the primordial supreme state.
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