18. Renunciation and Surrender

Mokṣha Sanyās Yog

BG 18.51

Guided by a pure intellect, subdued by steadiness, renouncing all objects of the senses and casting aside both love and hatred, ...

बुद्ध्या विशुद्धया युक्तो धृत्याऽऽत्मानं नियम्य च
शब्दादीन् विषयांस्त्यक्त्वा रागद्वेषौ व्युदस्य च

  • buddhyā — intellect

  • viśhuddhayā — purified

  • yukto — endowed with, united with

  • dhṛityātmānaṁ — determination

  • niyamya — restraining

  • cha — and

  • śhabdādīn — sounds

  • viṣhayāns — objects of the senses

  • tyaktvā — abandoning

  • rāga-dveṣhau — attachment and aversion

    • rāga

    • dveṣhau

  • vyudasya — casting aside

  • cha — and


I will now tell you how one who has reached perfection finds the eternal Brahman - a supreme state of knowledge.


Guided by a pure intellect, subdued by steadiness, renouncing all objects of the senses and casting aside both love and hatred,


resorting to solitude, eating sparingly, restraining the speech, body, and mind, fully engaged in the practice of yoga and meditation, taking refuge in dispassion,


forsaking egotism, violence, arrogance, desire, wrap, and superfluous possessions, free from the concept of "mine", firmly established in tranquility - such a spirit is capable of becoming Brahman.


Chapter 18, Verse 51